Tuesday 29th April 2014 Debugging in Venus Class


Venus class, you have done so well and completed Lesson 7 debugging exercises on espresso coding.  I am so proud of you!

See if you can leave a post to explain what debugging is, and what you learnt today.

Miss Bates 🙂

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12 Responses to Tuesday 29th April 2014 Debugging in Venus Class

  1. wasim says:

    Debugging is when you ficks a problem .

  2. jayden and jason says:

    Wen you the itnet

  3. kyroh and lisa says:

    DUBGING is when you fics a sris ploom

  4. sanjidah says:

    Bug means something that’s not right.

  5. sabiha says:

    debugging means you fixt a probem if its there

  6. Kevin and malachi says:

    Dedugging is when you fix at 🙂

  7. roman says:

    debugging is when you fix your code

  8. Aysha and Arif says:

    Debugging is a problem

  9. Naziya and Ayub says:

    debugging is something is wrong. And we lernt lose of debugging.;-]

  10. kevin and lisa says:

    Me and kevin maed a game on Jit and turtle

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