Kodu Game Lab in Mars Class 3.9.2015

Hi Mars class,

I have had had a great day with you! Well done for your programming on Kodu this afternoon.

Tell me what you learnt – did you get any tips from the videos we watched?  How did you build your terrain?  What did you program your Kodu character to do?  Which controls did you use?

I look forward to reading your comments here on the blog!


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4 Responses to Kodu Game Lab in Mars Class 3.9.2015

  1. sumayyah and marylucy says:

    we leant so much today, firstly we found out how to drop couns and objects also we had an brilliant day if we could do it again we could pay attention more

  2. sumayyah and marylucy says:

    I think more schools should do kodu because it is fun and amazing .

  3. mohammed says:

    today in kodu we made are thouther character to are games. but the most important thing was we made a balloon move.

  4. jess havin says:

    today we have learnt how to program a kodu and the hot air balloon around the world . Also we learnt how to make an awesome terrain. And then it is nice to tinker around the game to learn it , when you learn it you can tell someone else to make them know how to use kodu. I like how you can add more objects to play the game .I like how you can add more than one object.

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